Editorial: The Healing Center
It’s said creativity evolves when you expose yourself to uncommon circumstances. A week in Tanzania, at a high plain between Kilimandscharo and Mount Meru, couldn’t be more of an uncommon habitat for me. It’s been an experience with incredible hospitable locals, dedicated medicals, volunteers and unfiltered impressions of a unique culture.
Experiencing this as a photographer means you have to see rightly, to be touched by the people.
And yet, there’s something more.
„It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.“
„Most people are like a falling leaf, which is blown and is turning around through the air, and wavers, and tumbles to the ground. But others, a few, are like stars, they go on a fixed course, no wind reaches them, in themselves they have their law and their course“
To finance the medical, social and educational projects they collaborate with the locals. Tourist have the chance to spend their vacation at the beautiful traditional Maasai lodge, to get a real impression of the culture and spend some of their money for the support of projects that really make a difference.
The Healing Center in Momella is a sanctuary for everyone in need. Donations can be done with a few clicks through their website.